Mythological author Nilesh Kumar Agarwal celebrated Diwali by sponsoring a one-time meal for stray dogs

Mythological author Nilesh Kumar Agarwal celebrated Diwali by sponsoring a one-time meal for stray dogs.

On the auspicious occasion of Diwali, Nilesh Kumar Agarwal took the initiative to sponsor a one-time meal for a shelter that houses stray dogs. It was a moment of joy for all the animals at the shelter as they were fed nutritious and delicious food. Nilesh Kumar Agarwal is known for his philanthropic work as a mythological author, and this act of kindness is yet another example of his gratitude.

His famous book “Indian Traditions and Their Scientific Reasons,” which sold over 80,000 copies within just one year, helped him rank among the top ten mythological authors in India.

Nilesh Kumar Agarwal, a resident of Meerut, India, celebrated Diwali by sponsoring a one-time meal for stray dog shelters. He said that he was inspired by the act of feeding stray animals on the occasion of Diwali and wanted to do something similar for the dogs.

Nilesh Kumar Agarwal has been feeding stray animals since he was a child and says that it is a great way to show compassion for all living beings.

Mr. Nilesh Kumar Agarwal is also the founder of the NGO Nilesh Staallion Foundation, a crowdfunding platform that provides medical assistance to all living beings and funds environmentally friendly start-up projects.

This year, Nilesh Kumar Agarwal sponsored a one-time meal for over 300 stray dogs at the SOUL FOR STRAY FOUNDATION in Noida and sponsored meals for 100 dogs with the help of a lady, Mrs. Sheenu Gupta, from Ghaziabad. The SOUL FOR STRAYS FOUNDATION is a non-profit organization that works toward the welfare of animals.

Nilesh Kumar Agarwal said that he was happy to be able to help the SOUL FOR STRAYS FOUNDATION in its efforts to care for stray dogs. He hopes that more people will come forward to sponsor meals for stray animals on special occasions like Diwali. He said that it was his way of celebrating the festival of lights and spreading some love to these furry friends, who are often neglected.

The staff at the shelter were very grateful for his gesture and said that the dogs would definitely enjoy their special treat. They also thanked him for his thoughtfulness and wished him a happy Diwali!

He also urged people to spread the feeling of giving by sharing food with those who are less fortunate. By doing so, we can make a difference in the lives of others and create a more harmonious world.

You can connect with him on Instagram –  and


 You can visit the link to watch how he celebrated his Diwali –

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