Sunayana Kayastha – Walking on her rosebud craving for her maize bud of wisdom

Walking on her rosebud, craving for her maize bud of wisdom, god’s literature, multiple nickname oriented girl Sunayana Kayastha is popularly knowable for her curly maggie noodle, big oval spectacles and with her imaginative nutcracker for sure.
Hereby, Sunayana Kayastha is dodging her knowledgeable ball towards poetry, story writing, motivational speaker, emerging volunteer and as a photographer. Feel drape of green sheen palette under her journals with her pen of hope and her skill to showcase bouts of emotions.
Her 90+ anthologies as a coauthor, her conferred post in Fuzia and Your quote as a winner relentlessly gelled up her writing mode. No ifs, no perhaps, only a wand of creating streaks of verses among dancing letters.
Receiving 12+ prestigious writing awards from India via The Eagle Eye Network award, Applause Award to Bharatiya National Award, Fox award, Inspiring woman tag, Cherry book award winner she has been felicitated and acknowledged well. Latest update she got her special mention tag through Ultimate Battle of Words through Cherry book awards, and The leading attainer award from JEC Publication.
An apple of the eye of her father Late Shree Sudeep Kayastha and her mother Namrata Kayastha, is well etched in her vein. With 100+ participatory certificates, making India as a karmabhumi, she is etching.
See her work in youtube channel Sun Kayastha and Instagram sunayana596. Surely, you will love her bold kanky wankiness.
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