Bollywood and global icon Priyanka Chopra recently visited the Chilkur Balaji Temple in Hyderabad, sparking excitement about her participation in SS Rajamouli’s highly anticipated project starring Mahesh Babu. The actress, dressed in a serene light blue salwar suit with a dupatta covering her head, shared glimpses of her spiritual visit on Instagram, describing it as the beginning of a “new chapter” in her life.
Spiritual Start to a New Journey
Sharing photos of herself in the temple, Priyanka Chopra wrote:
“With the blessings of Shri Balaji, a new chapter begins. May we all find peace in our hearts and prosperity and abundance all around us. God’s grace is infinite. Thank you @upasanakaminenikonidela.”
Upasana Konidela, wife of actor Ram Charan, responded to Priyanka’s post, confirming her involvement in a new film and wishing her success. She wrote:
“Wishing you immense success on your new film. May Lord Venkateshwar bless you abundantly.”
Rumors of a Comeback to Telugu Cinema
While Priyanka has not officially announced her role in SS Rajamouli’s upcoming film, industry insiders and fans are buzzing with speculation. If confirmed, this film would mark her return to Telugu cinema after 23 years, her last appearance being in the 2002 romantic drama Apuroopam directed by P Ravi Shankar.
The new project, tentatively titled SSMMB29, stars Mahesh Babu and is slated to go on floors in April 2025. According to a source, “SS Rajamouli was looking for a female lead with a global presence, and Priyanka Chopra fits the bill perfectly. The filmmaker had multiple meetings with Priyanka over the past six months, aligning their visions for the film.”
Upcoming Projects for Priyanka
Priyanka Chopra is also making waves internationally with her upcoming films. She will star in the action-comedy Heads of State alongside Idris Elba and John Cena. Additionally, she is set to feature in the action thriller The Bluff, co-starring Karl Urban.
Fans Await the Grand Announcement
Fans eagerly await confirmation of Priyanka’s role in Rajamouli’s ambitious project, which is being hailed as a significant addition to her illustrious career. As anticipation builds, her temple visit and social media update have only amplified excitement for what lies ahead.
Sources By Agencies