Kangana Ranaut has expressed her frustration with the Bollywood industry for its lack of support and silence regarding her upcoming film, Emergency. The actress, who has been actively promoting the film, voiced her concerns during an appearance on The Bombay Journey with Mashable India. She criticized the industry, accusing it of being filled with envious and venomous individuals who haven’t had to work hard for their success.
Kangana’s Comments on the Industry During the interview, Kangana praised her Emergency co-stars Anupam Kher and Shreyas Talpade, commending their professionalism and humility. She contrasted their attitudes with others in the industry, stating, “These people are venomous and envious. Look at Anupam Ji and Shreyas. If you call them nicely, they will come. I’ve always supported films that deserve praise, no matter whose they are.”
Criticism of the Industry’s Work Ethic Kangana further elaborated on her views, stating, “But look at these people. How they are so filled with venom and envy because they have got everything in life easily. They did not have to work hard. They think we work hard since we go to the gym. Hard work is for your character, how you exercise your integrity, strength, and emotions.”
About the Film Emergency In Emergency, Kangana Ranaut portrays former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. The film, which has been both directed and written by Kangana, was initially scheduled for a theatrical release on November 24, 2023, but was postponed due to changes in her schedule. It is now set to release on September 6.
The actress’s sharp comments reflect her ongoing struggle for recognition and support within an industry she feels is dominated by those who take their success for granted. As Emergency approaches its release, Kangana’s remarks have once again highlighted the rift between her and the Bollywood establishment.
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