Tag: Human Potential


Prof. Dr. Simmy Katara Optimising Human Potential over 2 Decades with Behavioral Scientific Practices With the appreciation of Needs that optimize Human Potential.

Optimising Human Potential over 2 decades globally with a Sense of Belonging Platform to enhance, engage and empower individuals and corporations by providing best global ivy practices of creating Wellbeing with time tested and innovative state of the art best home away from home that hits a home run which tracks competency, genetic brain profiling through finger print, body and eye tracking plus sensory non-intrusive touch points to evaluate the present standpoint towards an optimum journey together of 21 to 99 days with unique human customized nurturing modalities that truly and absolutely bring about the aha moments uncovering blind spots, unconscious biases and patterns that create roadblocks towards maximizing the success of the journey

Unlocking Human Potential: The Journey of Dr. Jeetendra Prasad in Learning and Development

In the fast-paced and ever-evolving world of business, the significance of learning and development cannot be overstated. For the past 15 years, Dr. Jeetendra Prasad has been a prominent figure in the learning and development industry, leaving an indelible mark on various verticals and industries. His expertise lies in attitudinal and transformational training, catering to employees across different sections, and bringing out the best in them.