In a heartfelt revelation, Shweta Singh Kirti, the sister of the late actor Sushant Singh Rajput, shared a deeply personal experience on Preetika Rao’s podcast. Opening up about her spiritual journey and coping with the loss of her beloved brother, Shweta disclosed an extraordinary incident where she felt Sushant’s presence guiding her, even beyond the realms of life and death.
Describing their close bond, Shweta reflected on the special relationship she shared with Sushant, likening it to that of twins due to their proximity in age. Amidst her grief, she revealed moments of solace and connection, recalling how Sushant’s spirit seemed to reach out to her in times of need.
“I have felt his presence a lot of times,” Shweta expressed emotionally, “We had a very cute relationship and we were almost like twins.”
Narrating a poignant incident following Sushant’s untimely demise, Shweta recounted how she misplaced her AirPods and struggled to locate them. In a surreal turn of events, she claimed to have heard Sushant’s voice softly whispering in her ear, guiding her to their whereabouts.
“I lost my AirPods, so I was looking for it everywhere and I was not able to find it. Then slowly, he whispered in my ear,” Shweta shared, “I felt it like his voice and his husky voice and everything. ‘Your AirPods are behind the curtain on the window sill.’ And I found them there.”
Despite the skepticism from some quarters, with one fan questioning the focus on trivial matters over the pursuit of justice for Sushant, Shweta remained resolute in her belief that her brother’s spirit continues to communicate with her in meaningful ways. She emphasized that such encounters were not “spooky” but rather comforting, reinforcing the enduring bond between siblings transcending the boundaries of mortality.
Reacting to Shweta’s revelation, fans expressed a mix of sentiments, with some touched by her joy in reminiscing about Sushant, while others urged a shift in focus towards seeking justice for the late actor. Sushant’s tragic demise on June 14, 2020, continues to be a subject of debate, with conflicting theories surrounding the circumstances of his death.
Amidst ongoing investigations by the CBI and persistent calls for clarity from his family and supporters, Shweta’s poignant account offers a glimpse into the profound impact of loss and the enduring connections that transcend the physical realm. As the quest for truth and closure persists, Shweta’s unwavering belief in the enduring presence of Sushant’s spirit serves as a beacon of hope amidst the darkness of uncertainty.
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