In a heartwarming turn of events, Bollywood actors Sunny Deol and Shah Rukh Khan seem to have put their past differences behind them as they reconnect on friendly terms. Sunny Deol recently shared in an interview with Times Now that SRK had called him to congratulate him on the success of his film “Gadar 2.” This gesture of goodwill indicates a mending of their relationship, which had been strained due to past issues.
The dynamics between Sunny Deol and Shah Rukh Khan date back to their co-starring roles in the 1993 film “Darr.” Reports of disagreements and tensions emerged during the making of the film, leading to a strained relationship between the two actors. This discord seemed to persist for years, with both actors maintaining their distance from each other.
However, the recent interaction between the two stars suggests a fresh start. Sunny Deol recounted the interaction, saying, “He had seen this film and before that, he called me up and wished me and he was so happy, he told me I am so happy, you genuinely deserve it and I said thank you.” Sunny Deol also mentioned that he spoke with SRK’s wife Gauri Khan and that they planned to watch the film together.
Shah Rukh Khan’s acknowledgement of “Gadar 2” further solidified the mending of fences. During an #ASKSRK session on Twitter, when asked if he had watched “Gadar 2,” SRK responded with enthusiasm, “Yeah loved it.”
Sunny Deol expressed his thoughts on their changed equation, highlighting the power of time to heal wounds. “Of the past issues or whatever they were, I say, time heals everything and we move ahead. That’s how it should be,” he said.
The development holds significance in the Bollywood landscape, as both actors have been part of iconic films and have their own dedicated fan bases. Their renewed camaraderie sends a positive message to fans and the industry, emphasizing the importance of forgiveness and growth.
The rekindling of friendship between Sunny Deol and Shah Rukh Khan marks a significant chapter in their professional journey and serves as an example of how conflicts can be resolved over time. This reconnection is not only heartening for their fans but also for the industry as a whole.”
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