As per recent reports, the entertainment world is abuzz with the news of actors Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani’s impending nuptials, set to take place in February 2024. The couple, known for keeping their relationship low-key, is purportedly planning a private wedding ceremony on February 22 in the serene locales of Goa.
Sources close to the couple revealed to Hindustan Times that Rakul and Jackky have intentionally maintained a veil of secrecy around their union, desiring an intimate affair away from the public eye. “They are really private people and want to keep the wedding also private,” the source shared, highlighting the couple’s penchant for keeping personal matters discreet.
Currently, the soon-to-be-wedded couple is relishing some downtime before diving into the whirlwind of wedding preparations. Jackky Bhagnani is reportedly enjoying his bachelor festivities in Bangkok, Thailand, while Rakul Preet Singh also finds herself in Thailand, cherishing moments of relaxation ahead of the big day.
Their relationship came to light publicly in October 2021, and earlier this year, Jackky Bhagnani took to social media to express his affection for Rakul, commemorating her birthday with a heartfelt reel capturing cherished moments from their journey together. Rakul, in response, expressed her gratitude, signaling their openness and mutual admiration.
In an interview with Film Companion, Rakul Preet Singh emphasized the couple’s philosophy regarding relationships, stating, “We’re both of the opinion that there is nothing to hide or be sly about a relationship. If you are in one, the best thing is to give each other that respect and acknowledge it.”
Rakul Preet Singh, known for her versatile roles in both Bollywood and regional cinema, made her mark with debut performances in Kannada and Bollywood films. Her repertoire includes notable films such as “De De Pyaar De,” “Chhatriwali,” “Thank God,” and “Runway 34,” showcasing her range and talent.
As the anticipation builds and the couple prepares for their upcoming wedding, fans and well-wishers eagerly await the union of Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani, set to embark on a new chapter in their lives amidst love and secrecy.
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