Amidst the ongoing wildfires in Los Angeles, Bollywood actress Preity Zinta took to social media to reassure her fans and followers that she and her family are safe for now. The actress, who resides in LA with her husband Gene Goodenough, their twins, and in-laws, shared her relief on X (formerly Twitter) on Saturday.
Preity described her experience living through the fires, expressing her disbelief at the catastrophic event unfolding around her. “I never thought I would live to see a day where fires would ravage neighborhoods around us in LA, friends & families either evacuated or put on high alert, ash descending from smoggy skies like snow, and fear & uncertainty about what will happen if the wind does not calm down,” she wrote. “I’m heartbroken at the devastation around us & grateful to God that we are safe as of now,” she added, highlighting the challenges of dealing with such a crisis, especially with young children and elderly family members around.
She also extended her thoughts and prayers to those affected by the wildfires, especially those who have lost their homes and belongings. “My thoughts & prayers to people that are displaced & have lost everything in these fires. Hope the wind dies down soon & the fires are contained. A big thank you to the fire department, firefighters & everyone else helping to save lives & property,” she continued. Her message was met with an outpouring of support from her fans, many of whom expressed relief and wished her and her family safety.
Preity’s message comes as several other celebrities, including Priyanka Chopra and Nora Fatehi, also found themselves affected by the wildfires in LA. Priyanka, who is currently at her LA mansion with husband Nick Jonas and daughter Malti Marie, shared a picture of the fire from her home, offering her thoughts and prayers to those impacted. “I hope we are all able to be safe tonight,” she wrote in her Instagram Stories, thanking the fire safety department and rescue workers for their efforts.
Meanwhile, Nora Fatehi, who was in LA earlier this week, shared her own experience of the wildfires. In an Instagram video, Nora described the panic surrounding the evacuation orders she received, saying, “This is insane… I quickly packed all my stuff and I’m evacuating out of here. I hope my flight isn’t canceled because this is scary.”
As the fires continue to rage in the region, the safety of residents and visitors remains a top priority. With many families, including high-profile celebrities, experiencing firsthand the dangers of the ongoing disaster, the efforts of the fire department and rescue workers have been widely praised as they work to contain the fires and minimize further loss.
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