The latest season of the popular quiz show Kaun Banega Crorepati (KBC) has achieved a significant milestone, as host Amitabh Bachchan announced its first ₹1 crore winner. Hailing from a small village in Punjab, contestant Jaskaran is now set to tackle the ultimate ₹7 crore question, marking a historic moment for the show.
Sony Entertainment Television’s official Instagram handle shared an exciting promo on Thursday, accompanied by the caption: “Paar kar har mushkil Punjab ke chhote se gaon Khalra se aaye Jaskaran pahunch chuke hain iss khel ke sabse bade ₹7 crore ke sawaal par! Dekhiye #KaunBanegaCrorepati, 4th & 5th Sept, Somvaar-Mangalvaar raat 9 baje, sirf #SonyEntertainmentTelevision par.”
The promo opens with Amitabh Bachchan’s announcement that Jaskaran has successfully won ₹1 crore. It then provides a glimpse into Jaskaran’s background, highlighting his origins in a small village in Punjab. Jaskaran proudly mentions that he is one of the few graduates from his area and reveals his ambition to take the UPSC entrance exam next year. The promo concludes with Amitabh Bachchan posing the final ₹7 crore question to Jaskaran, setting the stage for a gripping episode.
Jaskaran himself expressed his gratitude on Instagram, writing, “Thankk you @sonytvofficial (black heart emoji) (namaste emoji).” He also reposted another promo by Sony Entertainment Television, where Amitabh reflects on the show’s history of creating crorepatis but acknowledges that no contestant has yet conquered the 16th question, the ₹7 crore challenge. The promo leaves viewers in suspense as Jaskaran takes on this ultimate test.
Viewers can catch Jaskaran’s journey to becoming the ₹1 crore winner and attempting the ₹7 crore question on Sony Entertainment Television at 9 pm on September 4 and 5.
Kaun Banega Crorepati, the Hindi adaptation of the popular British quiz show “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?,” has been a staple of Indian television since its inception in 2000. Amitabh Bachchan has been the charismatic host of the show for most seasons, with the exception of the third, which was hosted by Shah Rukh Khan.
This remarkable achievement by Jaskaran highlights the excitement and intellectual prowess that KBC continues to bring to its viewers, keeping audiences glued to their screens in anticipation of the next Crorepati.
Sources By Agencies