In an intriguing turn of events, “Fighter,” featuring Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone, has witnessed a surprising trajectory at the box office. The film, portraying the lead actors as air force officers, has experienced a significant decline in domestic collections, labeled as a “complete shocker” by trade analyst Taran Adarsh. However, it is gaining substantial traction overseas, with the USA, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand reporting robust weekday figures following an impressive opening weekend.
After six days in theaters, “Fighter” has garnered a domestic box office total of ₹134 crore, according to Sacnilk. This week, daily collections dwindled to single digits, registering ₹8 crore on Monday and ₹7.5 crore on the following day, compared to Sunday’s ₹29 crore.
Adarsh expressed his astonishment, stating, “Fighter shocks India, rocks overseas.” Despite meeting essential criteria, including star power, a renowned director, critical acclaim, and positive audience feedback, the film’s underperformance in India has raised concerns within the industry. Adarsh questioned the paradox of declining numbers domestically while key international markets such as the USA, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand continue to exhibit strength, even on weekdays.
The unexpected downturn in the film’s performance surprised industry experts. Joginder Tuteja, a trade analyst, remarked, “It’s disappointing to see Fighter drop on Monday. This is a film that deserved to be a success. Surprised that audiences have not stepped in, even though Friday was particularly good.”
Directed by Siddharth Anand, “Fighter” also features Anil Kapoor, Karan Singh Grover, and Akshay Oberoi in pivotal roles.
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