Television actor Aman Jaiswal tragically lost his life on Friday in a road accident in Mumbai. The 23-year-old actor was riding his motorbike on the Jogeshwari-Vikhroli Link Road when a truck collided with him. Jaiswal, who was rushed to Cama Hospital, succumbed to his injuries.
The Amboli police have registered a case of rash and negligent driving against the truck driver, and an investigation into the incident is ongoing, according to officials.
Dipika Chikhlia’s Emotional Tribute
Following the devastating news, Jaiswal’s Dhartiputra Nandini co-star Dipika Chikhlia Topiwala shared a moving tribute on social media. Posting a photograph of Aman in a sharp suit, she expressed her disbelief and grief.
“Aman Jaiswal … the hero of my serial Dhartiputra Nandini met with an accident and is no more. It’s shocking and just not believable, so untimely. May his family have the strength to deal with this tragedy. Aman, you will always be remembered with love. May you rest in peace. Om shanti,” she wrote.
Actor Sudhaa Chandran also commented on the post, calling the news “very sad and shocking.”
Aman Jaiswal’s Contribution to Television
Jaiswal was known for his role as Akash Bharadwaj in the popular television series Dhartiputra Nandini, which aired on Nazara TV from August 2023 to October 2024. The show also featured Dipika Chikhlia Topiwala, Shagun Singh, Shriya Tiwari, Seema Anand, and Abhi Sharma in pivotal roles.
Set against the backdrop of rural struggles, Dhartiputra Nandini depicted the journey of Nandini (played by Shagun Singh), a farmer’s daughter, and her bond with Akash, a troubled young man seeking direction in life.
Industry Mourns a Young Talent
The entertainment industry has been left in shock over the untimely demise of Aman Jaiswal. His co-stars and fans have expressed their condolences, remembering him as a promising actor with immense potential.
As investigations into the accident continue, Aman’s death serves as a tragic reminder of the importance of road safety. His memory will live on in the hearts of his colleagues, fans, and loved ones.
Sources By Agencies