Prestigious Rabindranath Tagore Literature Award by DRDC is the Most Prestigious and global literary award presented annually by the Dawn Research and Development Council (DRDC) to an author for their “outstanding contribution towards literature” to promote young learners of the world
Rabindranath Tagore Literature Award is a gesture of respect given to an individual to recognise their contribution towards literature & society.
We are glad to announce the 5th edition winners of Rabindranath Tagore Literature Award, An Initiative By Dawn Research and Development Council (DRDC)
Rabindranath Tagore Literature Award (5th Edition)
1. Shreyasi shukla
2. Dr. Kratika Chauhan
3. Vinod Kumar Mushyam
4. Debopriya Barik
5. Moin Khan
6. Niharika Hitesh Valecha
7. Dr. P Y Emmanuel
8. Dr. Vishwanath Gargote
9. Reshel Bretny Fernandes
10. Sharmistha Bhowmik
11. Satyanarayan Prasad Goswami
12. Sharon Joseph
13. Professor Emeritus Rajinder Kumar Uppal
14. Nirnimesh koted
15. M.R. Lalu
16. Dr. Aparna Pradhan
17. Devika Das
18. Thomas P Mathew
19. Dr Vaibhav Kaithvas
20. Tiya Bhupendra Mahajan
21. Dr.Mangesh M.Kalore
22. D. Jemima Blessi
23. Bijina. T
24. Dr.Ashutosh Singh
25. Utso Bhattacharyya
26. Uma J N (umanandini)
We Heartily Congratulate All The Winners & Wish For Their Bright Future.