Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone, one of Bollywood’s most beloved couples, celebrated a special milestone for their daughter, Dua Padukone, as she turned three months old on December 8. On this occasion, Ranveer’s mother, Anju Bhavnani, performed a heartfelt act of kindness that has resonated with fans.
A Gesture of Love and Hope
Anju Bhavnani marked her granddaughter’s 3rd month birthday with an extraordinary gesture. She donated a portion of her hair to symbolize love and hope for those in need. Though her Instagram account remains private, screenshots of her Instagram Stories were shared by paparazzi.
The pictures revealed Anju holding four neatly braided sections of her donated hair. The accompanying captions read, “Donated (teary-eyed and star-eyed emojis).” Another image showed the hair being measured against a scale, followed by a photo of Anju’s new haircut.
Deepika Padukone Returns to Mumbai with Dua
Deepika, who gave birth to Dua on September 8, was recently spotted at Mumbai’s Kalina airport, returning from Bengaluru with her daughter. In a video shared by paparazzi, the actor was seen holding Dua close while dressed elegantly in a red gown.
During her visit to Bengaluru, Deepika attended singer-actor Diljit Dosanjh’s concert. A clip of Deepika joining Diljit on stage and teaching him a Kannada phrase became an instant hit online.
On the Work Front
Deepika Padukone recently appeared in Singham Again, adding another blockbuster to her illustrious career. Meanwhile, Ranveer Singh is gearing up for his next projects, including Aditya Dhar’s untitled action thriller and Farhan Akhtar’s highly anticipated Don 3.
As Dua continues to bring joy to the Singh-Padukone family, Anju Bhavnani’s touching tribute reflects the family’s values of compassion and love.
Sources By Agencies