Telugu superstar Allu Arjun addressed the media on Saturday, hours after his release from prison, regarding the tragic death of a fan during a stampede at the premiere of his highly anticipated film Pushpa 2: The Rule. The incident took place at Hyderabad’s Sandhya Theatre on December 4, leaving the family of the deceased in grief and sparking public outrage.
Dressed in a white T-shirt bearing his title “Icon Star,” Arjun held a press conference at his residence in Jubilee Hills. Expressing condolences to the fan’s family, he stated, “We’re extremely sorry for the family, and I will personally be there to support them in whatever way possible. It’s purely accidental.”
Arjun Denies Connection to the Incident
Addressing the circumstances of the tragedy, Arjun explained that he was inside the theatre at the time of the incident, which occurred outside. “I was inside the theatre watching a movie with my family, and the accident happened outside. It is truly of no direct connection to me, truly accidental, purely unintentional,” he said. The actor assured that he empathizes with the family and intends to extend his support.
Recounting his history with the venue, Arjun mentioned that he has visited Sandhya Theatre over 30 times in the past 20 years without any similar incidents. “This is the first time something so unfortunate has happened. It was an accident, and we’re extremely sorry for what has occurred. But it was totally out of our control,” he added.
Legal Proceedings Against the Actor
The incident unfolded during the premiere of Pushpa 2: The Rule, where Allu Arjun had made a public appearance along with his wife, Sneha Reddy, and the film’s leading lady, Rashmika Mandanna. A large crowd had gathered outside the venue to catch a glimpse of the star, leading to a stampede that claimed the life of a woman.
Following the tragedy, the deceased’s family filed a complaint, naming Arjun as one of the accused, citing his presence as the reason for the overwhelming crowd. The actor was arrested on Friday and initially sent to 14-day judicial custody by a Hyderabad court. However, the Telangana High Court granted him interim bail, allowing him to walk free on Saturday morning.
Looking Ahead
While the tragedy has left a mark on the film’s celebrations, Allu Arjun has pledged to assist the bereaved family in every way possible. The case continues to develop as investigations are underway to determine accountability for the unfortunate stampede.
Sources By Agencies