Renowned Tamil actor Ajith Kumar has broken his silence regarding the viral “Kadavule Ajithey” chants that have been gaining traction across Tamil Nadu. In an official statement released on Tuesday evening, Ajith expressed discomfort with the slogan and requested his fans to address him simply by his name or initials.
Ajith Kumar’s Official Statement
The actor’s publicist, Suresh Chandra, shared the statement on social media platform X (formerly Twitter) under the caption “From The Desk of AK.” Ajith noted that the widespread use of the slogan, which translates to “God Ajith” in Tamil, has been unsettling for him.
Origins of the Slogan
The slogan “Kadavule Ajithey” originated from a viral interview clip and quickly gained popularity. Fans adopted it as a form of admiration for the actor, chanting it at public gatherings and events.
Ajith’s Upcoming Projects
On the professional front, Ajith Kumar was last seen in the 2023 blockbuster Thunivu. The actor will next star in Vidaamuyarchi, directed by Magizh Thirumeni, alongside Trisha Krishnan, Arjun Sarja, Arav, and Regina Cassandra. Additionally, he is set to feature in Adhik Ravichandran’s Good Bad Ugly with Trisha, Prasanna, and Sunil.
Ajith’s humble and grounded approach continues to win hearts, as his statement reflects his preference for simplicity and mutual respect over extravagant adulation.
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